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Câu hỏi
Người đọc siêu người dùng Nissim Kaufmann muốn biết phần trăm ký tự trong chuỗi shell Linux là gì:
When using the Linux shell, what does the percent sign (%) do? For example:
Phần trăm dấu trong chuỗi shell Linux làm gì?
Câu trả lời
Người đóng góp của SuperUser, Marek Rost có câu trả lời cho chúng tôi:
When the percent sign (%) is used in the pattern ${variable%substring}, it will return content of the variable with the shortest occurrence of substring deleted from the back of the variable.
This function supports wildcard patterns, that is why it accepts an asterisk (star) as a substitute for zero or more characters. It should be mentioned that this is Bash specific. Other Linux shells do not necessarily contain this function.
If you want to learn more about string manipulation in Bash, then I highly suggest reading the following page, Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Chapter 10. Manipulating Variables. Among many other handy functions, it explains what a double percent sign (%%) does, for example.
I forgot to mention that when it is used in the pattern $((variable%number)) or $((variable1%$variable2)), the percent sign (%) character will function as a modulo operator.
When the percent sign (%) is used in different contexts, it should be recognized as a regular character only.
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Tín dụng hình ảnh: Ảnh chụp màn hình Linux (Flickr)